Evaluate the accuracy of the following statement.
“The use of monetary finance (aka helicopter money) is not consistent with constitutional democracy and should never be used.”
In order to address this issue you will need to have a precise sense of what helicopter money is and why it might be used. The links below to a blog post by Ben Bernanke and a brief article by Gali will be very helpful. There are also two articles in the folder labelled “helicopter money” that may be helpful, but I think Bernanke and Gali are more informative. In addition, you will need to have a clear sense of what is a “constitutional democracy”, the article by Hetzel (in the aforementioned folder) should be particularly helpful. Finally, I strongly encourage you to do your research before posting. What you learn from this discussion will depend on how thoroughly you research the topic.https://www.brookings.edu/blog/ben-bernanke/2016/0…https://cepr.org/voxeu/columns/thinking-unthinkable-effects-money-financed-fiscal-stimulus