ED720 Unit 7 Assignment A Change Agent Prior to 1964 – Analyze the characteristics of change agents using historical figures

A Change Agent Prior to 1964


The purpose of this assignment is to analyze the characteristics of a
change agent using a historical figure before the Civil Rights Act of


Select a change agent in history before the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
A change agent could be someone who had a direct or indirect impact on
education. This impact could be described as an informal or formal
impact on any type of educational context.

Your assignment should be 3 pages (along with separate title and reference pages) and include the following components:

  • APA style title page
  • Introduction
    • Introduce the change agent.
  • Characteristics
    • Describe the characteristics of the change agent.
    • Describe the contributing factors that influenced the change agent.
  • Impact before 1964
    • Analyze the change agent’s impact on the education system before the year 1964.
  • Impact today
    • Analyze the change agent’s impact on the education system today.
  • Impact in the future
    • Analyze the impact you anticipate this change agent will have in the future on practice or policy.
  • Your role as a change agent
    • How has this change agent impacted your role as a change agent?
    • What aspects of their action do you want to incorporate into your decision-making as a leader?
    • What aspects of change do you want to incorporate into your educational setting?
  • APA style reference page with a minimum of three references.

This assignment is worth 60 points. The rubric that will be used to
grade your assignment is available through the link in Assignment
Resources or the Assignment tab at the top of your Brightspace course.

Submitting Your Assignment

When you are ready to submit your assignment, select the Assignment tab at the top of the screen and choose the Unit 7 Assignment Dropbox to upload your completed assignment.

This assignment addresses the following unit learning outcomes:

  • Analyze the characteristics of a change agent before 1964.
  • Analyze how a pre-1964 change agent contributed to changes in education.

It also addresses the following Course Outcome:

ED720-1: Analyze the characteristics of change agents using historical figures.

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