EDU220 – Educational Psychology Discussion Unit 4 (Lesson 7) (Minimum 150 words, single spaced)

As Dr. Novak discussed in the previous unit, one major issue facing education today is equity. More specifically, inequities in our education system threaten harm on a variety of students, particularly those historically marginalized by society (students with disabilities, students of color, students of low socioeconomic status, etc.). While we have all heard the term equity, what does it mean? In this unit, you will participate in a module from Dr. Paul Gorski from The Equity Literacy Institute called “What the Heckity is Equity?” meant to provide a strong basis for the understanding of equity in education. You will need to create a login for the Equity Literacy Institute to get access to their free course, What the Heckity is Equity. As Dr. Novak discussed in the previous unit, one major issue facing education today is equity. More specifically, inequities in our education system threaten harm on a variety of students, particularly those historically marginalized by society (students with disabilities, students of color, students of low socioeconomic status, etc.). While we have all heard the term equity, what does it mean?

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In this unit, you will participate in a module from Dr. Paul Gorski from The Equity Literacy Institute called “What the Heckity is Equity?” meant to provide a strong basis for the understanding of equity in education. You will need to create a login for the Equity Literacy Institute to get access to their free course, What the Heckity is Equity.Discussion post:
Take something from the learning this week and talk about how you will apply it in your classroom.
Ideas on things you might reflect on in your discussion post (optional):
-How might a school or organization organize an event based around a cultural heritage of a particular group of students to avoid the missteps of Taco Night?
-Have you experienced an event similar to “Taco Night” at your school or when you were in school? If you were in charge of the program, what changes would you make?
-Reflect on Paul’s discussion surrounding the difference between mitigative and transformative practices. -How does this apply to equity work in your classroom? School? District?

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