Education for Health Professions – Teaching Philosophy of Dental school clinical instructor

Create your own personal teaching
philosophy.  Create a minimum of a 3-page paper in length that answers
this question: What are your beliefs, values, and assumptions about the roles
of the adult educator and the purposes of education?  This paper will
provide an overview of the information you glean regarding your teaching
perspectives and teaching styles gained through the completion of the two
inventories.  Based on this information, you will then develop your personal
teaching philosophy. 

 For your writing assignment, include the information you
gained from each of the inventories regarding your teaching perspectives and
teaching style. You may find it easier to then consider these questions as you
begin to develop your teaching philosophy:

What experiences, people, knowledge sources, etc. that have
shaped your ideas about education? Describe your learners and explain why you
have chosen to educate this group. How do you believe your learners learn best?
What content or subject matter do you teach your learners? What do you believe
is the most important thing they will learn from you?  

In the future I hope to become a Denal clinical instructor where I will be instructing and mentoring dental students in a clincal setting where they are treating their own patients. 

Below are my results from the different inventories we were instructed to use to create our teaching philosophies.  

Teaching Style inventory:


– Teaching Goals Matrix : applied and understanding. 

  – Quadrant
D = Instructor prefers analysis to rote learning and focuses on familiar

Students are presented with real-world problems in which they use formulas and
processes such as plotting designs for car parts using AutoCAD.)


– Teaching Methods matrix:  Enactive and cooperative groups. 

  – Quadrant
D=Instructor prefers to have students learn through hands-on activities
completed collaboratively (Example: team lab projects)


Teaching Perspective inventory:

 – Transmission: = 34 – just
below dominant and B,I,A area aligned

Effective teachers require substantial
commitment to the content or subject matter.

Having mastery

Present content effective and accurately

 – Apprenticeship: = 40 –
dominant and aligned

Teaching requires learned to perform
authentic tasks within “zone of development”

Highly skilled at what they teach

Know what learners can do on their own and
where they need guidance

 – Developmental: = 38 – dominant
and B and A are misaligned

Teaching is planned and conducted from
learners “point of view”

Understand how their learners think

Effective questioning that challenges learners
to move from simple to more cmplex from of thinking

Bridging knowledge with explaes that are meaningful
to the learner.

 – Nuturing = 34 – just below
dominant I is misaligned from B and A.

Teaching assumes that long-term, hard, persistent
effort comes from the heart not the head.

People become motivated, productive learners
when they are working on problems without fear of failure

They succeed at learning by ginving it a
good try

Achievement is a product of their own

Their learning efforts will be supported
by teachers and peers

Care about students and challenge them to
do their very best

Provide encouragement and support along
with clear expectations and reasonable goals

 – Social reform = 29 – not
dominant and I misaligned from B and A

Akwaken students to values and ideologies
embedded in texts and common practices

Challenge the status quo


Belief (B) – what you believe
to be important

Intention (I) – what you
want to accomplish

Action (A) – what you do.


teaching philosophy is a written description of your values, goals,
and beliefs regarding both teaching and learning

 your teaching statement develops from your teaching philosophy and
uses evidence from your teaching to make the case that you have excelled as a

Teaching Goals Inventory Results:

High order thinking skills

Personal development

Thinking for ones self and making wise

Self esteem

Responsible for self

foster critical thinking and problem-solving

These are the other sites provided to learn about and help us develop our teaching stratagies: to an external site. to an external site.

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