Education Interview Assignment: Generational Differences in Educational Experiences

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You will interview another person at least 20 years older or younger  than you to gain insight into that person’s educational experiences and  then compare and contrast their experiences to your own.

This assignment fulfills:

  • Module Outcome 3: You will have compared and contrasted personal, generational differences in educational experiences.
  • Student Learning Outcome 2: You will have begun to build your  personal philosophy of education based on historical and philosophical  foundations of education.

The Assignment

For this assignment, you will interview a person with at least a  20-year difference in age from yourself about their education  experience. You will be given an interview guide that provides the first  10 questions for the interview. You will create and ask an additional  five questions related to the person’s educational experiences.

Upon completion of the interview, you will compare and contrast your  educational experiences to those of the person you interviewed. The  questions can serve as an organizational guide.

For this assignment, you will:

  1. Submit a document that includes all 15 interview questions and answers.
  2. Include either a table or narrative that details the comparison and  contrast between the interviewee’s educational experience and your own.
  3. Conclude your report with a summary paragraph.

To complete this assignment, click this link to access: EDU 216 Module One Interview Questions and Guidelines (MS Word) (opens in a new download window)

Acceptable Length

There is no set length for this assignment. All 15 interview  questions should be answered completely and a thorough comparison and  contrast should be made. Finally, write an appropriate summary  (paragraph format) that will provide a conclusion to the report.

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