Education Leadership-research paper on evidence based alternatives to the punishment paradigm in education-How will this content knowledge help me in my future role as a school leader?

 Write a research paper on evidence based alternatives to the punishment paradigm in education. Examples include but are not limited to; restorative practices, positive behavior supports, etc.. Be sure to address the course’s eight content knowledge points referred to earlier in this syllabus. The purpose of this paper is to generate a research based response to the following prompt: How will this content knowledge help me in my future role as a school leader? 

The purpose of this paper is to generate a research based response to the following prompt: 

How will this content knowledge help me in my future role as a school leader?

Course Content 

1.     Content Knowledge 

1.     Research on the leadership of academic and non-academic programs 

2.     Approaches to coordinating among curricula, instructional technologies, and 

other supports, and academic and non-academic systems 

3.     Evidence-based curricula, use of technology, and other supports for academic 

and nonacademic programs 

4.     Infrastructures for the ongoing support of academic and non-academic programs 

5.     Research-based strategies for personnel supervision and evaluation 

6.     Importance of, and the ability to access, specific personnel evaluation procedures 

for a given context 

7.     Multiple approaches for providing actionable feedback and support systems for 


2.     Educational Leadership Skills 

1.     Evaluate curricula, use of technology, and other supports 

2.     Evaluate academic and nonacademic systems

3.     Propose designs and implementation strategies for high-quality, technology-rich, 

and coherent curricula and supports for academic and nonacademic programs 

4.     Observe staff in a variety of settings 

5.     Gather and analyze district policies on personnel expectations 

6.     Provide staff with actionable feedback to support improvement 

7.     Develop a system for monitoring whether supervision and evaluation strategies 

promote improvement 


Books we used in class are Berta, S., Blonsky, H., & Wogan, J. (2022). Developing your school’s student support teams: A practical guide for k-12 leaders, student services personnel, and mental health staff. Routledge.

Bernhardt, V. L. (2017). Measuring what we do in schools: How to know if what we are doing is making a difference. ASCD.

I have uploaded all the chapters to use as a guide. 

Must include a minimum of 12  peer-reviewed references published in the last five years, and written in accordance with APA guidelines 7th edition for academic writing. 


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