Please respond back to question from my classmate from my discussion post. Document is uploaded under “assignment” my discussion post then classmate responds back with questions please respond to question from classmate at the end of thier respond post. Can be one paragraph, no references needed
First one is chpater 1,2,3 from Berta, S., Blonsky, H., & Wogan, J. (2022). Developing your school’s student support teams: A practical guide for k-12 leaders, student services personnel, and mental health staff. Routledge.
Next uploaded are chapter 1 and 2 from Bernhardt, V. L. (2017). Measuring what we do in schools: How to know if what we are doing is making a difference. ASCD.
Readings from books-
Berta, S., Blonsky, H., & Wogan, J. (2022). Developing your school’s student support teams: A practical guide for k-12 leaders, student services personnel, and mental health staff. Routledge.
Bernhardt, V. L. (2017). Measuring what we do in schools: How to know if what we are doing is making a difference. ASCD.
Chapters 1, 2 & 3 in the Berta, Blonsky & Wogan Textbook.
Chapters 1 & 2 in the Bernhardt Textbook combined uploaded under chapter 1 and 2