EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY – EDU220 Accommodation or Modification? 5 questions. Must select A or B and respond why you chose each response

Please read the situations and determine whether the student is being offered accommodation or modification. You will then explain the rationale for your answer. Respond in 1-2 sentences and answer the A/B questions. Be specific. Be aware of your grammar, spelling, and punctuation in the written responses.

Accommodation or Modification_.docx – attached as file please write why it is a modification or acomodation
Please use these additional links and readings as sources to complete this assignment:
The terms accommodation and modification, while vastly different, are often used interchangeably. In fact, they are not interchangeable. Accommodations change how the student is learning or responding, while modifications change what the student is learning. Let’s look at an example of each.
Accommodations — A student who struggles with fine motor skills, even into middle school, may type his response to a question instead of handwriting it. There is no difference in the learning target, just an accommodation for his struggle. Accommodations are often given to students without documented disabilities — consider a student who breaks her dominant arm and has to wear a cast. This student may be allowed to type or provided with a scribe, even though no formal IEP or Section 504 plan exists. A student who is having a tough day may be given an extension on an assignment deadline. A student who struggles with anxiety may be allowed to record himself giving a presentation and show that in class as opposed to presenting live. Accommodations do not change the learning target, but rather accommodate students’ needs.
Modifications — A student with identified exceptionalities may require modifications to the general education curriculum in order to gain educational benefit. These modifications are major changes to what is being taught/learned, and thus require the direction of the IEP team. These are not decisions made by individual teachers. Consider a student who has a learning disability in reading. He is overwhelmed by long reading passages because he cannot read on grade level. The class objective is to learn about the main idea and supporting details. A modification may be made for this student requiring him to read a story on his reading level and only identify the main idea. This is a modification because the rest of the class must identify the main idea and supporting details.The terms accommodation and modification, while vastly different, are often used interchangeably. In fact, they are not interchangeable. Accommodations change how the student is learning or responding, while modifications change what the student is learning. Let’s look at an example of each.

To reiterate:
Accommodations – Change in materials or procedures that enable a student to meaningfully access instruction and assessments. Assessment accommodations do not change the construct that is being measured
An accommodation is a change that helps a student overcome or work around the disability and Do Not reduce learning expectations.
Allowing a student to respond orally is an example of an accommodation.
Modification – Change in materials or procedures that enable a student to access instruction and assessment. Assessment modifications change the construct that is being measured.
Making an assignment easier so the student is not doing the same level of work as other students is an example of a modification.
1.) Identifying Accommodation or Modification
5 to >4.0 pts Advanced
Student correctly identifies whether the student is receiving an accommodation or modification in each of the 5 scenarios.This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIdentifying Accommodation or Modification
ch of the 5 scenarios.
2.) Explaining Accommodation or Modification
5 to >4.0 pts Advanced
Student correctly explains whether the student is receiving an accommodation or modification in each of the 5 scenarios.

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