The thesis will address the market for red loan portfolios especially in the Southern countries (Greece, Italy, Portugal, Cyprus) after the 2008 crisis and its multilevel effects on the real estate market. The structure can be as follows: 1. Reference to the 2008 crisis 2. Review of red loans and the npl portfolio market. (securitization of loans, players in the specific market 3. Review of the issue specifically in Southern Europe case by case As follows: main portfolio purchases made in each country Analysis of results and progress of investments SWOT Analysis in each country, difficulties encountered :for example in Greece there was a risk of social outcry, lack of information on mortgaged properties, non-automated auction process, slow purchase and sale procedures, unskilled human resources in real estate etc. . ) 4. Impact of the red loan market on the domestic real estate market of each country, microeconomic and macroeconomic (e. g. channelling a huge volume of real estate into the market and impact on prices, streamlining and automation of processes such as eauctions in Greece, improvement of the quality of services of the whole real estate cycle: executives, brokers, appraisers, developers, investors, due to increased requirements etc. ) 5 them on the promotion of such properties. 6. Reflections on the future and the course of the real estate market alongside the purchase of red loans 7 Positive and negative aspects of the issue 8 Conclusion These are some initial thoughts in order to present an approach to the real estate market4. Impact of the red loan market on the domestic real estate market of each country, microeconomic and macroeconomic (e. g. channelling a huge volume of real estate into the market and impact on prices, streamlining and automation of processes such as eauctions in Greece, improvement of the quality of services of the whole real estate cycle: executives, brokers, appraisers, developers, investors, due to increased requirements etc. ) 5 them on the promotion of such properties. 6. Reflections on the future and the course of the real estate market alongside the purchase of red loans 7 Positive and negative aspects of the issue 8 Conclusion These are some initial thoughts in order to present an approach to the real estate market