Kalindee Tamayo
Submit a completed rough draft of Essay 3, the Argumentative Essay. Your essay should include a thesis statement and evidence to back up your argument. Please bold your thesis statement. See the Assignment Expectations for full details on Essay 3.
“Two Ways to Belong in America,” by Bharati Mukherjee
“Only Daughter,” by Sandra Cisneros
“Mother Tongue,” by Amy Tan
In a world characterized by interconnectedness and diversity, the coexistence of cultures and languages has become an essential aspect of modern society. Language, a vital conduit of culture and identity, plays a pivotal role in shaping individuals’ perceptions of themselves and their place within a multicultural tapestry. This essay delves into the intricate realm of language barriers within a multicultural existence, drawing insights from Bharati Mukherjee’s “Two Ways to Belong in America,” Sandra Cisneros’ “Only Daughter,” and Amy Tan’s “Mother Tongue.” These poignant narratives shed light on the challenges individuals face when navigating linguistic divides, prompting us to examine the profound impact of language barriers on education, employment, societal perceptions, and, ultimately, the quest for harmonious coexistence.