Emerging Giants: The Economic Rise of China and India –Reform, Liberalization, and Economic Growth

essay must have a title, an introduction, and a conclusion. Make sure to integrate
all relevant definitions into your essay, and provide appropriate background
information. A suggested essay structure contains five paragraphs:

·      a first
paragraph that briefly introduces the hypothesis you propose;

·      a
second paragraph describing and comparing how total GDP has changed over time;

·      a third
paragraph describing and comparing how per-capita GDP has changed over time;

·      a
fourth paragraph describing how well each explanatory variable explains China’s
and India’s growth performance, including Bosworth and Collins’ findings;

·      and a
fifth, concluding, paragraph that briefly summarizes your hypothesis and


maximum length is 500 words; include a word count at the end of your
submission. Include the grading rubric as the first page of your submission. Write
in 12-point font, double-spaced, with one-inch margins. Provide a bibliography
listing the references you use, including your data sources and, if relevant, the
class PowerPoints. Please note that your assignment will be submitted to
anti-plagiarism software.


your Excel spreadsheet as an attachment in your submission. Your Excel
spreadsheet must include all of your data and calculations; make sure that all
information is clearly presented. Required charts and figures should be placed
into the body of your essay; any supplemental charts and figures must be placed
in an appendix at the end of your essay.

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