Proposal: The first draft of this assignment you submit will be a proposal, which will be due the week before your individual conferences with Ms. Bliss. This proposal should offer a comprehensive view of how your project is developing (i.e. the artifacts you have chosen, the types of rhetorical elements you are considering discussing, any problems you are encountering in your research/brainstorming, etc). Your proposal should be approximately 200-300 words, and will be graded credit/no credit.
Project 2: Rhetorical Analysis of Field Artifacts (Minimum of 1,500 typed, polished
words) [Objectives 1, 2, 3]
Students will analyze two artifacts from their field of study: 1) a text-based
artifact (e.g., a scholarly article, book chapter, or professional publication) and
2) a non-text-based artifact (e.g., an image, video, or podcast). However, rather
than analyzing only the texts’ explicit statements, students will be considering how
features of the artifacts may function in a rhetorical manner. In other words,
students will be looking at how each artifact constructs meaning by framing a
multifaceted response to a particular rhetorical situation. By comparing and
contrasting these two artifacts, students are to describe how each satisfies its
genre conventions and accomplishes particular rhetorical purposes.