Develop an 8-10 page paper on the following topic.
Established research confirms that women face challenges in retirement planning. Why is this the case? In your paper, please explain the reasons for the gaps and challenges that many women face in planning for their retirement. Your term paper should be 8-10 pages in length and be prepared in full APA format. It must have a minimum of 8 pages of text. In your paper, please cite one peer-reviewed journal article, one article from the New York Times or Wall Street Journal, and the course textbook. You can use this outline below to guide your work on the paper (optional):
The Importance of Retirement Planning in Personal Finance
The Gender Gap in Retirement Planning: Explained
The Root Causes of the Gender Gap in Retirement Planning
Recommended Solutions on Closing the Gap
Self-Reflection on the Assignment
-Kapoor, J. R., Dlabay, J. R., Hughes, R. J., & Hart, M. M. (2022). Focus on personal finance: An active approach to help you achieve financial literacy (7th ed.). McGraw-Hill.
-The included link is the reference for the course textbook