Exclusionary Rule – so what do we do legally when law enforcement oversteps the bounds of the Constitution???
After completing the assigned reading for this week: Chapter 7,8,9
Book: Harr, J. Scott, Hess, Karen, Orthmann, Christine, and Kingsbury, Jonathon. (2015). Constitutional Law and the Criminal Justice System. 7th Edition. Stamford, CT: Cengage. ISBN: 13: 978-1-285-45796-3.Book: Harr, J. Scott, Hess, Karen, Orthmann, Christine, and Kingsbury, Jonathon. (2015). Constitutional Law and the Criminal Justice System. 7th Edition. Stamford, CT: Cengage. ISBN: 13: 978-1-285-45796-3.
Research the Exclusionary Rule.
Define the Exclusionary Rule in your own words.
List the rationale (reason) for it and the criticism against it.
List at least 3 benefits of it and 3 criticism of it.
Opinion Question: Do you believe a case should be dismissed because the one piece of evidence that would certainly
prove the defendant was guilty was not admitted in court due to a police error in obtaining it?
Does it matter if it (the police error) was an accident or intentional on the part of the officer? Support your position.
**Be sure to note source requirements and word count requirements, as well as due dates for maximum credit. Additionally each post should be content/substance “rich” – not merely agreeing or disagreeing with peers. Please refer the syllabus for detailed explanations and never hesitate to let me know if you have any questions.