TOPIC: Explain how either Ancient Greek Drama or Ancient Greek Science/Technology influenced Athenian life and helped Athens to become a viable city. Select one of these two.
Detailed Instructions
Delve deeply into one of these two areas studied, Tragedy or Science.
After reviewing what we have learned on the topic in class, research it more fully by using at least two other academic sources. See essays in JSTOR and Project Muse available through our library.
Core of the essay: Analyze and explain important ways in which the practice you selected to study shaped Platoβs Athens.
Be sure to incorporate into your discussion what you have learned about your topic from lectures, documentaries, and texts assigned for the course. Your essay should demonstrate your achieved competence on the subject.
Before you offer your conclusion about how your selected practice supports the city, give an account of the practice itself. For example, if you chose to examine the practice of Greek tragedy, introduce your analysis with a statement of what Greek tragedy entailed and how it functioned in Ancient Athens. The documentary provided as background is a good example of an analysis of the topic.
Include in the text all sources used using either footnotes [MLA style] or parenthetical references [APA style