Explore a New Orleans tradition that French and/or Spanish cultures have influenced

1. Description
The goal of this project is to allow you to explore a New Orleans tradition that French and/or
Spanish cultures have influenced. Each student should submit an individual work by the assigned
due date.

2. Project Ideas
In this class, in addition to the French language, we studied some of the traditions of New
Orleans and the ways in which French and Spanish cultures influenced its culture throughout the
history. You are required to explore further one of these topics, including also your perspective
and/or personal experience. If you would like to complete a project on a topic that we have not
yet covered, I encourage that you consult the professor. Topics can also include: food, music,
language, Mardi gras, etc.

3. Deliverables
You are to turn in a written final paper exploring your preferred topic. The paper should be:
• 2
• 12pt font, double spaced
• 1-inch margins
• May include visual elements (photos, pictures, charts, figures, etc.)

4. Structure
The paper should consist of the following sections:
• Identify and describe the topic you wish to explore for your project
• Include a section on the historical background of the topic
• Discuss its evolution throughout the history
• Indicate why is it important
• The last section of your project will include your own experience or perspective on the chosen
topic. For instance, if you choose to study “food”, you are more than welcome to add a picture of
you in your favorite French restaurant. You can also talk about your experience: if you liked it,
disliked it, if you could compare it with other cuisines, etc. Or, if you choose to explore further
the Mardi Gras celebrations, you can describe how you celebrate it including also any visual
elements that are appropriate for this project.

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