Your video should include the following:
The use of Screencast-o-matic (or any other screen recording tool) to record yourself searching for academic research on your topic.
The video should be 8-10 minutes long and include the following segments.
Show your use of Google Scholar (find at least one academic article about the topic of your choice)
Show your use of csu Library Databases (find at least one different academic article about your topic)
Include a section showing how you save and organize your sources (preferably using Mendeley)
Describe what type of academic article you found (e.g., a study, literature review, meta-analysis, etc.)
Describe any frustrations you encountered (e.g., musings on changing your keywords, what to click next?, where is x?, how do I find z?)
The video should also include a slide presentation (see the samples below).
I strongly recommend creating a short script or outline before recording.