This is a qualitative research looking at and comparing the harassement and bullying policies of universities in uk.
Will need to complete a written submission of
8,000 words (excluding references and appendices).
8,000 words (excluding references and appendices).
For the main text, double or 1.5 spacing with
a minimum font size of 12
must be used; single spacing may be used for quotations, footnotes, and references.
A short (no more
than 300 words) abstract of a dissertation must be provided.
a minimum font size of 12
must be used; single spacing may be used for quotations, footnotes, and references.
A short (no more
than 300 words) abstract of a dissertation must be provided.
Structure of the Dissertation:
Your dissertation is likely to have the following format .
1. Content list: A list of chapters/sections/subsections with the number of the first page
of each.
of each.
2. Abstract: Some supervisors may require you to add an abstract to your dissertation.
3. Introduction: A brief statement of problems and objectives. What are the purposes
and aims of the dissertation? What are the main research questions?
and aims of the dissertation? What are the main research questions?
4. Literature Review: This is an important section, which you should structure in a
meaningful way. Reciting brief synopses of articles in chronological order is not an
appropriate way to review the literature. You must draw attention to research
themes in the literature, or analyse papers according to alternative methodologies for
comparison. A good literature review is comprehensive, critical and informative. You
should conclude it by identifying your intended contribution to the current literature.
meaningful way. Reciting brief synopses of articles in chronological order is not an
appropriate way to review the literature. You must draw attention to research
themes in the literature, or analyse papers according to alternative methodologies for
comparison. A good literature review is comprehensive, critical and informative. You
should conclude it by identifying your intended contribution to the current literature.
5. Development and description of your research framework/design: This is the
research methods/methodology section of the dissertation. Its content will differ
depending on the particular research undertaken. You may use this section, for
example, to explain and develop researchable concepts, formulate models for
estimation, or describe hypotheses you intend to investigate by specified techniques
or procedures.
research methods/methodology section of the dissertation. Its content will differ
depending on the particular research undertaken. You may use this section, for
example, to explain and develop researchable concepts, formulate models for
estimation, or describe hypotheses you intend to investigate by specified techniques
or procedures.
6. Data: sources and methods. You must describe methods of compiling, adjusting, and
transforming data in full detail. For example, you should describe and explain:
methods of interpolation or seasonal adjustment (if applicable); details of
questionnaire design and delivery, if applicable; data problems and data
transforming data in full detail. For example, you should describe and explain:
methods of interpolation or seasonal adjustment (if applicable); details of
questionnaire design and delivery, if applicable; data problems and data
7. Empirical results: This is intended to be a description of what your data says based on
analysis, and theorize your findings.
analysis, and theorize your findings.
8. Limitations: A discussion of the strengths and weaknesses of your reported research.
9. Conclusions: Summary of your main findings. Comparison with other published
research. Implications of your research for future research and/or any practical
implications for management or government policy
research. Implications of your research for future research and/or any practical
implications for management or government policy
10. Reference list/bibliography: You must enter references in an appropriate format (harvard). You must check to make sure that no references are missing and that you
do not include references that you do not cite in your dissertation. As with
spelling/typing mistakes and poor use of English grammar, incorrect referencing can
cause the award of the degree to be deferred.
do not include references that you do not cite in your dissertation. As with
spelling/typing mistakes and poor use of English grammar, incorrect referencing can
cause the award of the degree to be deferred.
11. Appendices (where necessary): For example, many examiners believe that it is good
practice for candidates to provide in an appendix a full listing of all data sources used
in a project (if this is appropriate and feasible).
practice for candidates to provide in an appendix a full listing of all data sources used
in a project (if this is appropriate and feasible).
12. Referencing