Exploring the role of occupational therapy in supporting the return to work of adults with acquired brain injury: a review of the literature





MODULE:Occupational Therapy Dissertation 


MODULE SIZE:40 credits




METHOD OF ASSESSMENT:6000 word dissertation (all MLOs)


SUBMISSION DATE:16th May 2023 4pm

RETURN DATE:23th June 2023 4pm


Essay Title: Occupational Therapy Dissertation


Assessment CriteriaCompletion of 6000 word literature review (100%)


Further guidelines:


 Provide a clear and logical rationale for your chosen topic and critically evaluate the context of your chosen area of occupational therapy practice with reference to relevant literature and government policies (20%) 


 Retrieve, critique and synthesise relevant research literature (6 to 8 research articles from peer reviewed journals) demonstrating the use of a recognised critical appraisal tool/s.  You must provide a detailed audit trail of how you selected the 6 to 8 articles and debate the use and value of different methodological designs (40%)


 Consider ethical principles in relation to the literature reviewed (10%)


 Critically discuss your findings in relation to service user and carer involvement in health and social care research (10%)


 Consider how the findings of your literature review provide an evidence base for your chosen area of practice and contribute to your own professional development as a life-long learner (10%) 


 Present the assignment in a sound academic style with appropriate references (10%)


All sources should referenced in the approved Harvard format as outlined in your programme handbook. Please refer to Cite Them Right as a guide for referencing.

Guidelines on presentation and content of the dissertation


You must include the following in your dissertation:


 *Title page (see appendix 1) (does not count in word limit)
 *Abstract/summary (approximately 300 words) (does not count in word limit)
 *Contents page (does not count in word limit)


*Please note the above * do not count in the word limit of 6000 words


 Provide a clear and logical rationale for your chosen topic and critically evaluate the context of your chosen area of occupational therapy practice with reference to relevant literature and government policies (20%) 



In the introduction section:

You should set the scene for your dissertation. You need to introduce the topic, provide the occupational therapy context and introduce the key supporting literature. You should clearly state what your area of investigation is about, which may be expressed as a question or aim, and why you think it is important to answer it. This section should provide a broad review of the current evidence around your area of interest and must draw on areas such as policy and guidelines, service delivery, management practices and relevant theoretical perspectives. This should therefore provide a context and rationale for the focus of your topic.

This broad background information should then be focussed onto a main aim or specific question, demonstrating a logical thought process. 


 Retrieve, critique and synthesise relevant research literature (6 to 8 research articles from peer reviewed journals) demonstrating the use of a recognised critical appraisal tool/s.  You must provide a detailed audit trail of how you selected the 6 to 8 articles and debate the use and value of different methodological designs (40%)


In the methodology and findings section: 

You should demonstrate a logical approach to identifying your papers and present a detailed audit trail of how you have arrived at the selected articles. 

You may want to include a PRISMA flow diagram. 

You must present detail of your literature search strategy in your dissertation, including inclusion and exclusion criteria, data bases accessed and keywords used. 

You should use a consistent and structured approach in appraising the evidence (using a recognised critical appraisal tool/s) and present a detailed discussion of both the methodology and findings. You are advised to present an evidence table.

You will need to be familiar with the methodologies being applied, the methods of data collection and analysis used in the papers in order to critique them. This should not be a descriptive account of the papers you have read but should demonstrate a good understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the research. 

You should demonstrate a synthesis of the literature by identifying themes across the main findings of the 6 to 8 articles.

This section should end in some conclusions about the body of evidence you have appraised.



 Consider ethical principles in relation to the literature reviewed (10%)


In this ethical principles section:

You are expected to consider the extent to which ethical principles were employed in the literature reviewed. The use of a critical appraisal tool/tools will support this. 


 Critically discuss your findings in relation to service user and carer involvement in health and social care research (10%)


In this service user and carer involvement in researchsection:

You are expected to critically appraise the design of the selected articles and analyse how service users and carers were or could have been involved in the research process.  You are expected to critically discuss the service user involvement agenda and the value of the review in this respect. 



 Consider how the findings of your literature review provide an evidence base for your chosen area of practice and contribute to your own professional development as a life-long learner (10%) 


In this discussion and conclusion section:

You should apply the findings of your appraisal to your original question. You should discuss how well the current evidence addresses your chosen client group/setting etc.

You should state how your dissertation findings provide an evidence base for occupational therapy in practice and, if appropriate, make suggestions of how your outcomes have added to occupational therapy knowledge and make recommendations for future research. You should acknowledge any limitations in being able do so. 

Finally, you should discuss how the process of carrying out the review will influence your own professional practice, referring to the HCPC and the RCOT.


*Reference List (does not count in word limit)


*Appendices (does not count in word limit)



 You should present the assignment in a sound academic style with appropriate references (10%)


Present a dissertation that is appropriately structured, organised, shows progression of material and uses accurate grammar, citation and referencing.

Dissertations must be double-spaced (single-spaced for abstract, references and appendices), Arial font size 12. Pages must be numbered. Paragraphs should have a clear line in between and should not be indented. 


Tables and diagrams may be used to clarify meaning or reduce wordiness. Either should be introduced in the text prior to their use and numbered consecutively. Large tables (for example your evidence table) can be placed in an appendix. *Tables and diagrams are not included in the word count. 


Title Page

Please use the template in appendix 1. 




Make sure that you use a UK spell and grammar checkprior to submission and if possible, have someone read your work for any typos that you may have missed.  It is frustrating for a student who has produced a high quality piece of work to be constrained by poor presentation and readability.  It really can make a difference.



These should be cited at the end of the assessment and should be listed according to the Harvard method.  You are advised to consult “Cite it Right.”  References in the reference list do not contribute to the overall word count.

Word limit

The word limit is 6000 words (please note those sections asterisked * which are NOT included in the word limit). Apenalty will be applied for work which exceeds the upperlimit by 10% or over in accordance with Northumbria University Assessment Regulations. A penalty will not be incurred solely on the grounds of using fewer words than the limit.  Such work will be marked according to the extent to which the work meets the assessment marking criteria. Your word count must be stated at the end of the main body of your work and will not include your abstract, reference list or appendices.

Hand-in date and related information


 The date for submission of the completed dissertation is 4pm Monday 16th May 2023.  


 The dissertation will be submitted electronically via blackboard. 


It is recommended that you (re-) familiarise yourself with the university assessment regulations available on the university website.  


In the event of referral of this assignment, and in the absence of Personal Extenuating Circumstances (PECS) you will normally be allowed one resubmission attempt providing you have the regulations of the programme. If successful at this point, any mark awarded will be capped at 40%. 




Assurance of Confidentiality/Anonymity in Assessed Work:

In the submission or other presentation of module assessment, you must protect the identity of individuals (service users /employees) workplaces, including within appendices and portfolio evidence.


The identification of one or more individuals in either a written assessment or other form of assessed presentation could constitute a breach of the Data Protection legislation  (GDPR) and/or PSRBs regulations and may lead to referral failure) in that assessment.  The identification of workplaces could also constitute a breach of required confidentiality/anonymity if it leads to the identification of, or harm to, those organisations. 


Any exceptions to this expected standard for formative and summative assessment will be clearly stated in the guidelines for that specific assessment. 



Where you have named a workplace or identified an employee a reduction of 10% to your assignment mark will be applied 

For continued breaches of confidentiality (identification of workplaces or employees) other than: 

 by the citation of published work or;
 by information in the public domain;


Will normally result in the maximum of the pass mark for the module. However, in instances considered to be of a serious nature (naming of service users and carers) this may result in a mark of zero*.


*The final decision as to the degree of severity and the penalty awarded rests with the Examination Board.


Programme information will provide specific guidance on penalties and responsibilities of students.


For the reference of programmes regulated by professional, statutory or regulatory bodies: In addition, in both pre and post qualifying programmes where the professional body has stipulated that it would be unacceptable, a breach of confidentiality or anonymity in assessments may constitute professional misconduct and can result in a fitness to practice hearing taking place within the university. In such cases the University may be obliged to report breaches to the relevant professional, statutory or regulatory bodies


Appendix 1: Front cover template







OT6003: Occupational Therapy Dissertation






(insert) Registration number






DATE 16th May 2023


Word count: (insert)




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