Title of my Dissertation is: Perceptions, Stigma and Help Seeking Intentions surrounding Mental Health among International Students in Universities in the United States: An Exploratory Study.
I got the greenlight to use an existing Data Set conducted by the Healthy Minds Study – Student Survey. Using validated measures, this survey research provides a detailed look at the prevalence of mental health outcomes, knowledge and attitudes about mental health and service utilization in college students. HMS emphasizes understanding help-seeking behavior, examining stigma, knowledge, and other potential barriers to mental health service utilization.
You can find the questionnare here: https://healthymindsnetwork.org/hms/
As for the results, I will have to send you the documents which I was only able to read through a program called STATA. This is where I need help. I am not able to extract or generate statistics, tables, data from these documents.
Seeing as though this will rely on quantitiative research, I need help with my methedology section and results section so I can do the analysis myself.
What I am looking to extract from these documents is (all the terms i use are found in the documents):
1. Perceptions, Stigma, and help seeking intentions surrounding mental health in International students pre-covid, during covid, and after covid.
2. Perceptions, Stigma, and help seeking intentions surrounding mental health in international students based on race/ethnicity pre-covid, during covid, and after covid.
3. Perceptions, Stigma, and help seeking intentions surrounding mental health in international students based on religion pre-covid, during covid, and after covid.
4. Perceptions, Stigma, and help seeking intentions surrounding mental health in international students based on gender pre-covid, during covid, and after covid.
5. Perceptions, Stigma, and help seeking intentions surrounding mental health in international students based on citizinship/Place of birth/country or region you were born pre-covid, during covid, and after covid.
6. Perceptions, Stigma, and help seeking intentions surrounding mental health in international students based on their parents, step-parents, or guardians level of education pre-covid, during covid, and after covid.
7. Perceptions, Stigma, and help seeking intentions surrounding mental health in international students based on their sense of belonging pre-covid, during covid, and after covid.
8. Mental health status (general, positive mental health, Depression, anxiety, eating andbody image, exercise, lonliness, etc.) of international students pre-covid, during covid, and after covid.
9. barriers to help-seeking and informal help-seeking in international students pre, during and post covid
10. insurance status
11. Mental health status relating to sense of belonging, feeligns of safety, perception of campus climate, diversity and discrimination, identity connectedness, community and identity, perceptions of campus programs/policies/efforts and identity of international students pre-covid, during covid, and post covid.
Also I want to generate all the above information on students who are US citizens (residents instead of international students)