Feasibility of Circular Economy For Pipes Waste From Oil and Gas Industries in Saudi Arabia

This is an engineering report subjected to be a “quantitative” research to study the feasibility of the circular economy on the abandoned oil and gas pipelines used by Saudi Aramco within Saudi Arabia, by applying the waste management approach to determine the effectiveness of implementing (recycle-or-reuse) methods.

Report requires data on: 
 Waste generation data: Saudi Arabia’s oil and gas industry’s waste PIPELINES volume, composition, size, shape, and total amount of waste pipeline network in Saudi Arabia.
Regulations and policies: Saudi Arabian waste management and recycling laws and international standards. 
 Infrastructure and technology: Saudi Arabia’s waste pipe processing and recycling facilities, transportation systems, and recycling equipment.
(Economic and environmental data: Waste pipe recycling and reuse costs, benefits, and savings.)
Stakeholder views: Industry, government, and environmental organizations’ opinions on the feasibility and potential of a circular economy for waste pipes in Saudi Arabia’s oil and gas industry. 
Case studies: Other countries and industries that have successfully implemented circular economy systems for waste pipes can teach the Saudi oil and gas industry. 
To assess the feasibility of a circular economy for waste pipes from the Saudi oil and gas industry, the data must be analyzed and synthesized.
The report would aim to provide a complete assessment of the existing state of waste pipes management in the sector, identify the difficulties and potential for a circular economy approach, and provide ideas for how a circular economy system may be implemented efficiently. The paper would serve as a helpful resource for industry, government, and other stakeholder decision-makers to better understand the advantages and disadvantages of a circular economy for waste pipes in the oil and gas industry in Saudi Arabia and make more sustainable management decisions.

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