I. In your final paper assignment, you will show what you have learned throughout the semester
through your analysis of the Turning Around Cote Construction Company case study (pp. 367-
370 in Deszca Chapter 9). You will write a paper that includes your answers/responses to the items below. Write this as an essay with complete sentences and paragraphs, not as a list of bulleted items. Follow the guidelines listed below:
1. The document should be 5-10 pages long (excluding cover and reference pages) written in
Times New Roman 12-point font and should be double-spaced.
2. The document must have appropriate section headers depicting the sections of the assignment for ease of reading.
3. There should be a separate cover page.
4. There should be a separate references page.
5. There should be at least three (3) references. References are your sources listed on the separate Reference page. References must be cited at least once.
6. There must be at least 14 citations – (a) at least one for each section A, B, C, D, E, & G in
Part II below and (b) at least one citation for each of the eight parts of section F (a-h) in
Part II below. Citations are at the end of a sentence: (author, year). So, your arguments in
each section (A-G) should be fully supported by our textbook and/or some other sources.
7. The document should be written using complete and grammatically correct sentences and
appropriately structured paragraphs, though bulleting and diagramming are allowed.
8. Write this as an essay, not as a list of bulleted items (though, again, bulleting and
diagramming are allowed).