find three primary sources related to an event or topic in the history of the trans-Mississippi West with different perspectives

For this assignment you will find three to five primary sources, including written documents, paintings, artifacts, or images related to an event or topic in the history of the trans-Mississippi West.  The primary sources you choose must reflect at least two different perspectives (from different people in different positions in society) on the event or topic.  For example, you might examine the Battle of the Alamo from a Texian perspective, a Tejano perspective, and a Mexican perspective.

Here is a hyperlink to the assignment sheet.

Use online archives, such as the Library of Congress, the National Archives, the Digital Public Library of America, university librariesโ€™ special collections and archives, the Smithsonian, and History Matters, to help locate your primary sources. Make sure to verify that your chosen sources are primary, not secondary, sources.

Write a short paper (3-4 pages) that uses the primary sources to interpret the event or topic, making sure to employ historical thinking skills to critique the sources.  Then, post your paper, with links to your primary source documents, to the Blackboard discussion board.

All sources must be cited in Chicago Manual of Style-Humanities (also called Turabian) format, (or in the citation format provided by the archives if there is one provided).  (50 points, due October 15). 

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