It’s a principles of microeconomics class. Compare any 2 or more firms in the stock market and their performance in the stock market.
- First, accurately describe the company’s main product or service.
- Second, write a descriptive section of the trend of the stock price selected. Analyze increases, decreases, variability, and at the end capital loss or capital gain (in dollars and percentage change).
- Third, describe the industry and market(s) in which the company is and analyze its level of competition (monopoly, oligopoly, monopolistic competition, or perfect competition): FIND at least 2-to-3 main competitors to the firm. Given the market structure, enlist all potential strategy tools used by the firm (such as individual quantity supplied, differentiation tools, level of advertainment, etc.)
- Fourth, explain what have happened to the company or its industry that gives you the most profit (or biggest loss) if you made any investment on the stock market. You need to use at least two economic concepts or theories related to the firm’s Revenues and Costs, and to mention potential market failures in the market where the firm operates.