You will be responsible for developing two lesson plans for this course.
select grade level between kindergarden-2nd grade please.
For each lesson plan, you must select a Common Core reading, ELA, or mathematics standard and identify a specific grade level. It is encouraged for you to use the information from the Unpacking Common Core Standards assignment can be used for the submission of the first lesson plan.
For this assignment, you must use a BSU lesson plan template.
1. You must use the College of Education lesson plan template to construct an instructional activity.
2. After teaching the lesson, it is encouraged for you to submit any evidence of students’ work from one or more assessments.
3. You must also construct and submit a one-page reflection paper that addresses the feedback you received from the course instructor and/or mentor teacher and the ways it has been considered for shaping your lesson plan.
– Please include a title and a cover page for your lesson plan, cite sources as well
these websites below are useful for Maryand state, please look for other websites as well that is strictly maryland.