For this assignment, you are tasked with analyzing a federal or state policy with economic implications.

For this assignment, you are tasked with analyzing a federal or state policy with economic implications.

To start:

  • Determine and explain the problem that the regulation is trying to address.
  1. What parties benefit from the regulation (and how)?
  2. What parties incur a cost from the regulation (and how)?
  3. Are there any spillover effects or unintended consequences from the regulation?
  4. What data is missing to make the analysis complete?  What else would you like to know? (Optional)
  5. How might you change the regulation to be more beneficial? (Optional)


Here are resources to help support ideas: Congressional Budget Office – Options to Reduce the DeficitLinks to an external site., Peter G. Peterson FoundationLinks to an external site., Citizens Against Government WasteLinks to an external site.

Please note that if your aim is to reduce the debt, it should be sizable enough to justify the actions you suggest

Additional Ideas for policy analysis:

  1. Agricultural Subsidies
  2. Immigration Policies
  3. Education Subsidies
  4. Excise Taxes – Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, Gasoline, Hotel Occupancy, TSA
  5. Environmental Regulations
  6. Hypothetical laws that have been proposed (may be harder to analyze):
    1. Paid maternity/paternity leave
    2. Universal basic income


Grading Criteria:

  1. Answer the questions listed above.
  2. Use reputable sources and cite them in your paper.  
  3. Present your findings in a well-written interesting way. 

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