- Explain what makes your chosen sport, a sport. This means you will have to come up with a definition of “sport.” Are there people who claim it is not a sport? If so, what are their reasons?
- Briefly describe the history of your sport (perhaps in the country you have chosen). Did someone invent it, or codify the rules, or does it seem to have grown organically? How/when was it introduced to places where it is popular?
- Is your sport played professionally or by amateurs in your chosen country? Is it televised? Does it attract sponsorship? Why/why not?
- Decide whether you think it is a healthy or unhealthy pastime. Does it add to participants’ (and fans’) lives? If so, how? If not, what does it do to them?
- Based on your research, does it seem to be thriving or dying? How popular is it (among players and among fans)? How many people participate?
- Consider some critiques: does it seem limited in terms of the gender, race, class or sexuality of the people who play (and watch) it? Is it exclusionary or does it reach out to different groups? How easy are the rules to understand? How many requirements are there to becoming a participant (e.g., how much money is required? How much equipment?)
- Is the sport played by a particular group of people (e.g., bike messengers, students, cool kids)? If so, was this important to the way the sport evolved?
- Is there an aspect of protest to the playing of this sport? Do people seek it out as an alternative to more established sports?
- Is the sport co-ed or single sex? Why?
You must use at least 3 scholarly sources.
At least 1 newspaper source
At least 1 web sources.
Please incorporate intext citations
Title page and Works cited page