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Essay 1 from Gifts from the Dark: Learning from the Incarceration Experience
1. Read the book’s Introduction (pp.ix to xiii); Chapter 3:Transformation: A Brave Act (pp. 27-40) and Chapter4: Understanding the Role of Race and Gender
2. Attach a 4-page double-spaced paper that will a) summarize the key message the authors are trying to convey in the introduction; a summary of Chapter 3, and a summary of Chapter 4.
3.Highlight what you found interesting, what you disagreed with, and possible solutions to any of issues raised in the readings.Essay 1 from Gifts from the Dark: Learning from the Incarceration Experience
1. Read the book’s Introduction (pp.ix to xiii); Chapter 3:Transformation: A Brave Act (pp. 27-40) and Chapter4: Understanding the Role of Race and Gender
2. Attach a 4-page double-spaced paper that will a) summarize the key message the authors are trying to convey in the introduction; a summary of Chapter 3, and a summary of Chapter 4.
3.Highlight what you found interesting, what you disagreed with, and possible solutions to any of issues raised in the readings.