The assignment is a 3000 word breifing report on the Country of Iran, using an appropriate medium and exploring 3 marco elements of the global markting environment for Iran and critical evaluate the impact they have on global marketing activites and stratgies.
PESTLE – May thoughts on this are:
Politicial & Law Structure internally and on the Global stage with US lead Sanctions and embargos, US withdrawal from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, otherwise known as the Iran Nuclear Deal. The fact it is an Islamic Republic and its legal system is based on Sharia principles. It also borrows much from the French commercial code and company law.
Ecomonic with the country having a massive potentional in Oil & Gas production as a member of OPEC as well has petrochemicals, a young population (60% are estimated to be under 30 years old) and that they have a population of around 80 million (the second largest in the Middle East after Egypt). finally its strategic location. Unemployement is around 10% and low minimum wages by international standards (USD 216 per month in 2014).
Work should include 15-20 referances and to the Harvard System.