What Dweck says about mindsets;
What her ideas about mindset reveal about those people we read about;
How her theory of mindset applies to yourself in the past, present, and future
Part 1: STATE YOUR CLAIM about the meaning and importance of Dweck’s mindset theory from her text in Uncharted Territory and her TED Talk
Part 2: EXPLAIN HOW DWECK’S MINDSET THEORY APPLIES to at least three readings from Uncharted Territory to explain their growth and success despite many obstacles
SUPPORT AND ILLUSTRATE YOUR CLAIMS WITH EVIDENCE from the readings; also, explain the reasoning behind your claims and how the evidence supports them
DISCUSS ALTERNATIVE OR OPPOSING VIEWS about Dweck’s mindset theory by providing examples of fixed mindset, from some of the readings and Here are two articles to help you develop your counterclaim: “Dweck Revisits the Growth Mindset” and “How the Growth Mindset Can Harm your Learning and What You Can Do About It”.
Part 3: EXAMINE HOW DWECK’S MINDSET THEORY APPLIES TO YOURSELF—your past, present, and future—in an attempt to understand your own growth and struggles in various areas of your life
DRAW CONCLUSIONS about and discuss the meaning and importance of Dweck’s claims
INCLUDE A WORKS CITED section at the end formatted according to MLA eighth edition
The final draft of your paper must:
be 3-4 pages, double-spaced, with standard 1-inch margins
use a 12-point serif font (Cambria, Garamond, Caslon, Droid Serif) for your document
include a header with your last name and page number inserted on the right side; make sure this header is the same size and font as the body of your text
follow the MLA eighth edition format as it is summarized here