Helping ELLs with Exit Tickets Module 1: Historical, Social, and Political Background

Exit tickets are a particularly powerful tool for ELLs and native speakers alike. Using the examples on slide 11 of the previous slide presentation and drawing from your own experiences, share some ideas for when and how exit tickets might help your ELLs. Consider the following in your reply:

  1. What questions will you ask?
  2. What language will you use on the exit ticket? 
  3. How might images help communicate your ideas to low-level language learners?
  4. How will you time the exit tickets such that ELLs will have ample time to respond?
  5. Will you use physical paper tickets, or a digital version like Google Forms, Socrative, PollEverywhere, or Plickers?
  6. What will you do with the exit ticket data afterwards?
  7. Finally, respond to one of your colleagues by sharing a connection or reaction to their thoughts. (Your response should be meaningful, with a goal to push each other’s thinking rather than offering a superficial exchange. Please see rubric)

Mon Jun 12, 2023 at 5:45 am

       1. Exit tickets can be a valuable tool for assessing ELL students of understanding and progress in the classroom. When asking questions, I would use simple, straightforward questions, making sure that the questions on the exit tickets are clear and concise, and avoid using complex language that may be unfamiliar to ELLs. For example, instead of asking “What was the main theme of the story?” I might ask “What was the story about?” Also, instead of asking “Who was the main character?” I might ask “Who is one person in the story?”

2. As mentioned above, the language I will use involves the questions to be very concise and simple. The language will be to the child’s ability to understand the vocabulary. Some vocabulary will have to be simplified like from “main character” to “one person.” I would have to consider the language proficiency level of the ELL student and adjust the language on the exit ticket accordingly. For example, I might have to simplify the language or provide key vocabulary words in advance to help students understand the questions.

3. Providing support through images on an exit ticket can help ELLs understand the question and communicate their ideas more effectively. For example, I might include a picture of a character or scene from the story and ask the ELL students to describe what is happening in the image.

4. I would allow ample time for all the students to complete the exit ticket. I would be sure to give ELL students enough time to read and respond to the questions on the exit ticket. Depending on the complexity of the questions and the level of the students, I may need to allow extra time for reading and processing.

5. The use of digital tools like Google Forms, Socrative, PollEverywhere, or Plickers can be a convenient way to collect exit ticket data and make it easier to analyze and assess student progress. Giving students different platforms to choose from will also help the ELL students be more at ease because they may be better using technology than writing.

6. After the students’ hand in the exit tickets, I will analyze the data and adjust instruction accordingly. I will use it to inform my instruction and adjust my teaching approach as needed. For example, if many students struggled with a particular concept, I might review the material again or provide additional support and resources to help them understand.

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