Select a book from the Book List
, located in Files. Some of these books are available from the Sac State library, but not all. Others may be available through google books, as ebooks via the library, or you may have to borrow them through interlibrary loan. You may select any book from the list, and do not need to approve it with me first.
_____ Papers are to be written on books chosen from the book list. These are only secondary sources. DO NOT write a book report on your textbook readings. No papers will be accepted on books not listed on the book list.
_____ Write five FULL pages of typed text, double-spaced. Make sure that it is no less than five full pages of text.
_____ Use a simple header: your name, title and author(s) of the book you read. Number your pages.
_____ Focus more on analysis of the text rather than summary of the book. Do not state whether the book is “good” or “bad;” that is not meaningful. What does the author state as he or her objective with the book and does he or she achieve that objective?
–Refer to the How to Write a Book Report
in Files and to the Sample Book Report
_____ Consider: What sources does the author use? How does he or she use them? (Quotes? Paraphrase?) Is the subject matter discussed in broad detail or specifics? Is the book overly specific? Does the author include analysis or is it just summary of events? Is the book intended for a scholarly audience or general reading public? (If it has notes – end or footnotes – it is intended for a scholarly audience.) Does the book include illustrations or charts? If so, how are they used?
_____ Keep your own opinions out of the book report. Write in third person; no first or second person.
_____ PROOFREAD! Which means more than just running a spell-check program. But DO use spell and grammar check.
_____ Proofread again. Reading your paper aloud and having someone else read your paper are the two best ways to proofread your paper.
_____ CITE your book. When you quote, use Chicago style
GV 21 .R44 2002
PA 4409 .W55 1995
PA 4409 .W4 1932A
Tsakopoulos Hellenic Coll
HQ1134 .B58 1995