The essay questions refer to on-going debates about social and global justice about which many political theorists strongly disagree! This means that there are no settled (i.e., ‘right’ or ‘wrong’) answers to the questions. Rather, you will be marked according to the degree to which your essay is able to draw upon the relevant literature to give coherent and well-reasoned arguments in response to the questions posed. Essays should not simply summarise the existing literature, as this will likely provide insufficient argumentation and analysis, and will fail to express your own views or allow you to build your own case. A full guide to essay writing and marking, including criteria, can be found on the Moodle site (see ‘Coursework Corner’ on Moodle), and is available in the Undergraduate Student Handbook (also available via Moodle)
Checklist for coursework submission
Before submitting your document, it is recommended that you run through the following checklist.
c Legible Font: For example, Times New Roman (12pt), Verdana (11pt), Arial (12pt), Calibri (12pt), Garamond (12pt), Cambria (11 pt) – or equivalent Mac fonts, e.g. Helvetica.
c Spacing: 2.0 (double-line) spacing for the report, 1.0 spacing for the bibliography and tables.
c Spelling: Please do not ignore the red squiggles that appear under words when they are misspelt. Green squiggles indicate possible grammatical errors but are not always accurate. If you’re unsure about a grammatical question, feel free to ask!
c Coversheet: The coursework submission coversheet should be pasted at the beginning of your document. This will be available on Moodle.
c Student ID: Student ID should appear in the heading of every page. Do not include your name anywhere on the electronic copy of your assessment.
c Page numbers: Page numbers should appear in the header or footer of every page. c Title: Your chosen essay question should be typed clearly at the beginning of the
c Word count: Word count should be indicated on the coversheet. The word count
includes everything (including headings, labels on tables and charts, in-text references) from the introduction through the conclusion. It includes all footnotes/endnotes. It does not include the essay question typed at the top of the first page, the contents of tables and charts, or the bibliography.
c Bibliography: Your bibliography should start at the top of a new page. To do this, hold down CTRL/CMND and press Enter. This will create a page break. The bibliography should be single-spaced with hanging indents (this means the first line of each entry aligns with the margin of the page any lines after it are indented, the opposite of a normal paragraph indentation). Bibliographies should be alphabetised by author surname (or organisation, if the author is unknown) and should conform to the author-date style. Bibliographies should not be numbered or bullet-pointed, and sources should not be sorted by type, only alphabetised.
c After submission: Check that your file uploaded correctly. Confirm that you have received your Turnitin receipt.