How do natural disasters caused by global warming affect the ecomy’s productivity.

My essay specifically will need to be about: how do the natural disasters caused by global warming affect the economy and the economy’s productivity and it will need to include these 4 sources, but however many more can be added and I need at least 5:,more%20powerful%20storms%20to%20develop.

These are the instructions I was provided:


Students will apply and analyze macroeconomic theories and
models using a national or global event. This event may be current, historical,
political, or social.  Students must find
and research at least five academic articles to conduct their analysis.  Students will use articles to write a paper
making and defending a claim or argument regarding the event.  This is NOT a paper about what happened, but
about why it happened, how it happened, or what will happen as a result.


Part I. Introduction

Students should present their thesis in the introduction.
Students should state the event and its significance (why research this
topic?), and the macroeconomic theories and or models used to analyze and posit
the student’s perspective.


Part II. Research

Students must use macroeconomic language and provable
microeconomic statements. Students must use data from appropriate and relevant
websites to validate the thesis. 
Students must include some visual element (chart, graph, etc.) to
present evidence and support thesis.


Part III. Conclusion

How did the macroeconomic analysis and research change your
perspective?  What did you learn from
your research?


Part IV.

Bibliography and Work Cited pages



1” margin all around.


7 pages minimum, not including the title and work cited


Some questions to
consider while working on paper:

Topic:  Is topic too broad?  Is it too narrow?  Can you find information on it? 

Sources:  Are your
sources academic/official?  Are they
informative or opinionated?  Are they
varied or from the same place?  Do they
present different perspectives of the event?

Thesis:  Is your thesis clear, logical, and
defendable?  Is it relevant and
significant to your topic?  Is it NOT
obvious or trivial? 

Variables: Have
you identified all of the important factors/variables related to your
topic?  What are they?  Which ones are the most important?

Language:  Are you using economics language
properly?  Are all definitions and
relationships correct?

Appropriate flow:  Does your paper flow smoothly from one
section to the next?  Do all paragraphs
and arguments defend or relate back to your thesis?

Challenge or reinforce:  Did your research challenge your previously
held beliefs or reinforce them? 
Why?  What did you learn?

Charts, graphs,
:  Are your charts, graphs,
and formulas accurate?  Are they relevant
to your thesis or just distracting? Do they support or refute your thesis?

:  Does your paper
consider this topic from different perspectives?  Would in different places or different
circumstances see the topic differently? 
How so?  Did you analyze the cost
and benefits of any proposed policy? 
What your analysis be different if looking at the short run or the long



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