How do you think your gender, race, and socioeconomic position have affected your path through life so far?

Part 1: Answer the following questions in a short essay format (500 to 700 words)

  • How do you think your gender, race, and socioeconomic position have affected your path through life so far? (There can be both positive and negative effects)
Information about me: Immigrated to the US myself at the age of 18 to pursue degree. Half armenian& half lebanese. Born & raised in Moscow,Russia. Race: white, caucasian. Did experience discrimination in Russia, since I am not russian and don’t look like one. Many perks were not availble for me, even when our family had money. Example: you can’t get a good paying or job anywhere in the Govermental sector job good connections. Good connections are mainly russians (native), they have all the money and power.
My parents had money to afford non-state tuition in the US and this is how I moved, but due to the recent crisis (please talk about sanctions here and russian discrimination due to War with Ukraine) they experience financial loss and I have to help them. 
Now we all experience discrimination (literally everywhere) because we are form russia and speak russian. Even though we have no ethnic connection to Russia nor are supporting the War we are being judged for speaking the language and earning in rubles. 
  • What opportunities were and were not available to you?
Education, traveling, owned house, owned cars, had business. Everything my parents owned are not sinking and devaluating in price right now, as Russia is trying to be independent from $ and everyhting looses its money. Since everyone is discriminating Russians, its impossible to sell real estate, so all this investments are drowing. Also, noone needs rubles anymore, so all my parents savings are frozen and unusable in any country, but russia.
  • To what extent should the government ensure citizen well-being?
– up to you!

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