The following criteria will be used in assessing essays:
1. Definition of the topic-Has the topic been clearly defined and directly addressed?
2. Structure of the essay-Does the introduction present a clear statement of issues to be covered? Does the essay have a clear organisation in which a)the main points are developed logically; and b) the relevance of the material to the theme or argument is clear? Is there an effective conclusion that draws together the main points?
3. Contents Is there evidence of adequate reading and research? Has the question being answered? Is the breadth of coverage adequate? Are the issues and ideas analysed in sufficient depth? Are arguments supported by evidence, examples, sources?
4. Analysis Are the arguments logical and consistent? Are opinions based on evidence and/or logic? Does the essay show evidence of original or independent thought?
5. Presentation Fluency and style of writing.Spelling, grammar, paragraphing. I’m Presentation of data: effective use of figures, tables, quantities etc. Neatness and legibility.Sources and references correctly acknowledged and presented.