Write an exploratory essay
- Include accurate and effective summaries for the two new sources being explored
- Discuss the conversation being explored, demonstrating how your thinking about it has deepened as a result of your reading and research. This will involve discussing what you have learned, as well as posing questions and sharing ideas.
- Put some ideas into conversation with one another, incorporating direct quoteseffectively when necessary.
- Provide some reflection on your research process and strategies used.
- Your work should also demonstrate clarity and organization and convey academic ethos by being relatively free of grammatical and mechanical errors.
- Summarize the three texts (one academic, two popular press) you’ve chosen
- Explore the points of view presented by the texts
- Reflect on how these new voices in the conversation have expanded your thinking.
Format Guidelines:
– Left-Aligned MLA Heading with your First and Last Name, Assignment Title, Instructor Name, and Due Date
-Microsoft Word Document or PDF
-1-Inch Margins
-12 point Font-Times New Roman
– MLA Works Cited page at the end