Provide a thorough expository response to the following:
How does the study of archaeology contribute to an understanding of history and the role of gender in American society?
You must provide a thorough response that answers the entire question posed above. The essay is to be no less than three (3) and no greater than five (5) full pages in length, in 12-point Times New Roman font, doubled-spaced with 1β margins. You are not required to use any material beyond that assigned for this course, though you may choose to do so. You may not utilize any website without checking its credentials and/or those of the author of said online material. If you have any questions about what constitutes an appropriate source and/or academic credentials, please contact Dr. Morgan directly via email. All source material must be properly cited in Chicago-style or MLA-style citation. You may not use APA-style. Failure to cite your sources will result in receiving a zero on the assignment. Failing to mark direct quotes appropriately will be treated as plagiarism. Direct quotes must be in quotation marks and be cited to their original source. Paraphrases or the use of facts beyond common knowledge must be cited to the source of the information which you used.
Your essay must adhere to the guidelines for formal academic writing included below. Failure to follow these rules will result in a deduction of points proportionate to the discrepancies from said rules. If you have any questions about these rules, please contact the instructor.
Rules for Academic Writing
- Use correct standard American English spelling, grammar, capitalization, and punctuation
- Do not use vulgar, colloquial, or slang expressions
- Do not use first or second person pronouns
- Do not refer to historical persons source solely by his/her first name or nickname
- Do not use exclamation points
- Do not ask rhetorical questions
- Do not use contractions
- Do not shift verb tense
- Do not end a sentence with a preposition
- Do not begin or end a sentence with a conjunction