Intro: what rights do women actually have in the US that is protected by law. how did the 1930 begin to move from soc equality to political equality
second focus: how was elizabeth blackwells graduation from medical school in 1849 and 1869 suffrage law different in nature and why
3th focus: what is the impact pr equal pay act of 1963, the civil rights act title 7 of 1964 and title 9 of the education amendments of 1972 seen as steps forward. what outside factors cause these shiefts
4th focus : how is margaret sangers birth control clinic a volation lf comstock law, what made roe v wade possible in 1973. why is todays supreme court decison seen as a move away from equality and progress
as more women play visable roles today and aim to break records and social norms. its been many years since new protection laws were signed to protect womens eqaulity. are we still moving forward today or have we arrived at a place where we are now equal. or perhaps due to covid and other stressers we are now moving backwards
as we see more and more woemn