One of the most common themes in Augustine’s Confessions is that of restlessness. For Augustine, he famously noted that all of our hearts are “restless” until they rest in God. So for Augustine, restlessness is primarily a spiritual category.
For other writers, this idea of internal restlessness may be more psychological or spiritual in a broader, not necessarily Christian sense. Regardless, this idea of being restless, unsettled, even anxious is a condition that all humans, including, of course, those we’ve read this semester, can understand.
In an essay of 650 – 900 words, discuss this theme of restlessness as made manifest in Shakespeare’s King Lear and some selected poems (Donne, Dickinson, Plath, Angelou) from this week (two – three poems will suffice). Feel free to bring in Augustine specifically as well.
How to the characters or authors present this theme? What causes any feelings of being restless or unsettled? How is it resolved in the characters (in the case of Shakespeare) or authors (in the case of the poets)? Or is it necessarily resolved?
In addition to the word count, please be sure to follow APA or MLA formatting carefully. Document all quotations carefully. No outside sources required (or desired) for this assignment.
Concentrate on formulating an argument using the primary text as evidence. This is crucial! Use the primary text (i.e., quotations) to help support your case. However, do not use quotations to do the heavy lifting on their own merits. Rather, quotations should support an argument, a thesis, that you establish from the outset.
Since it is a significant component of your grade and a formal writing assignment, proofread and edit carefully. Avoid using first person (“I”) or second person (“you”) pronouns with your examinations.
Observe standard academic conventions when discussing the poets (in other words, do not refer to them by their first names alone, a common mistake with many students – use the full name the first time you mention them, then the last name alone thereafter).
Avoid excessive plot summary. Again, focus on answering the prompt using specific textual evidence to support your claims. Be sure to have a clear, guiding thesis at the outset (likely the first paragraph) that guides your response.