how you believe WashU Olin will help you achieve your long-term professional and personal goals

After completing my graduate studies, I aspire to become a business analyst. Beyond mastering analytical and data processing tools, I aim to focus on solving real-world problems as the foundation of my skill development. I plan to take on high-complexity analytical tasks to enhance my comprehensive abilities, such as management, operations, strategic planning, and building business analysis frameworks.

In the short term, within five years of working, my goal is to actively engage in specialized analyses while concentrating on problems I can effectively solve. I strive to tackle increasingly valuable challenges, break through limitations, and continuously enhance my capabilities.

The Master of Science in Business Analytics at washU Olin will deliver an understanding of business statistics, quantitative analysis methods, big data, and accounting analytics for managerial decisions, allowing me to explore the rationality and sensibility of computer science and data technology. In the meantime, it will increase my professional knowledge of storytelling with data, social media, and digital marketing analytics, which aligns with my background and career goals. I will master the vital quantitative techniques and tools for applying data analytics in strategic decision making for business and management and develop my soft skills such as critical thinking and teamwork ability. I believe your MSc program will be a catalyst for achieving my career goals.

The Business Analytics program at WashU Olin, along with its abundant internship opportunities, aligns perfectly with my career aspirations and provides invaluable support for my professional growth.

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