Human Adaptability and Survival Instincts in Chaotic Environments. As seen in Zach Snyder’s 2004 remake of Dawn of the Dead.

  • The Primary source is Quotes from Zach Snyder’s Dawn of the Dead(2004)

    1. Introduction- begin with a broad summative sentence with a specific mention of the author and primary source title. Provide context to help the reader understand your topic. End with an argumentative X as a means to Y thesis that clearly reflects the focus of your essay. Atwood focuses on X as a means to Y ½ page

    2. Summary of scholarly articles- begin with author/s name/s and “title” *include parenthetical citations 1 page

    3. Summary of other sources- begin with author/s name/s and “title” *include parenthetical citations 1 page

    4-8. Analysis of your topic, supported by a synthesis of two sources in each paragraph. To
    be clear—synthesize direct quotes from your primary AND secondary sources in each paragraph. Analysis paragraphs will follow the “Big Mac quote sandwich” structure. 1.5 pages each

     9. Conclusion ½ page
    Works Cited- 10 acadamic sources  

  •  A key part of the assignment is your synthesis of your sources. Select and carefully read
    your sources, according to your purpose. Re-read the sources, mentally summarizing
    each. Identify those aspects or parts of your sources that will help you in fulfilling your
    purpose. When rereading, label or underline the passages for main ideas, key terms, and
    any details you want to use in the synthesis.

  •  Your synthesis and explanation/discussion should utilize specific examples from the text.
  •  Develop each analysis paragraph thoroughly. Use specific examples and source materials
    appropriately as support. Be sure to integrate source materials smoothly into your own
    writing using attribution phrases and transitions.

  •  Utilize literary present tense.
  •  Your conclusion should expand on your evaluation and explain the significance of your

  • My current thesis is : Human Adaptability and Survival Instincts in Chaotic Environments.” This topic focuses on exploring the extreme measures individuals take for survival and the actions they resort to when faced with life-changing scenarios, as demonstrated in Snyder’s 2004 film “Dawn of the Dead.” The essay aims to delve into the psychological effects of living in a world overrun by chaos and understand the depths of human adaptability and the lengths people are willing to go to ensure their survival.

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