Textbook for Chapter 1 and 2 is: The Life Span Human Development for
Helping Professionals (4th edition)
by Broderick and Blewitt
How do people change? Why do children and adults behave a certain
way? Why do many stay stuck in certain patterns of
behavior, thoughts, and feelings?
As professional counselors, we support wellness and
change in young children, students, adults. couples. and families. As
mental health and professional school counselors, how far back should be
consider, examine, or conceptualize human growth and development?
This week for your main post, please
focus on age 0. Or a child’s first months (in the womb/utero) prior to their
actual physical birth?.Are their influences? Are their changes that have
meaning for their future? Please work in at least two concepts or
theories from chapters 1 and 2. Most important, please share your opinion
freely, your experiences, and know that all discussions views are accepted. I
want this course (and weekly discussions) to be more like an open discussion.
The references and citations are still needed.
Finding ideas and support in peer reviewed, counseling
journals is preferred. I look forward to hearing, reading, and processing your