Learning Goal: I’m working on a engineering multi-part question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.
1.Write the R code for Lab 3 and lab 4 in files
2.Question 1
- Use lmplot() to look at the relationship between x and y.
- Plot a regression line .
- Now display with multiple row
- Now display with multiple col
Question 2
- Use a white style for the plot.
- Create a lmplot() comparing the two columns.
- Remove the top and right spines using despine().
Question 3
- Set the default Seaborn style and enable the matplotlib color codes.
- Create a displot for the 1(any) column using matplotlib’s magenta (m) color code.
Question 4
Create and display a Purples sequential palette containing 8 colors[Γ’β¬ΛRed,Purple,Green].
Create the Purples palette
for p in [‘Purples’,’Reds’,’Greens’]:
sns.palplot(sns.color_palette(p, 8))
Question 5Create a for loop to show the difference between the bright and colorblind palettes.
Set the palette using the set_palette() function.
Use a displot of (any) column
Question 6
- Use pandas’ crosstab() function to build a table of visits by x and y.
- Print the pd_crosstab DataFrame.
- Plot the data using Seaborn’s heatmap().
Question 7
- Create a crosstab table of x and y
- Create a heatmap of the data using the BuGn palette
- Disable the cbar and increase the linewidth to 0.3