If you have read the books- The Crucible, Bartleby the Scrivener, Inherit the Wind, and To Kill a Mockingbird

Explicate four of the following quotations by interpreting the passage’s
meaning and larger significance within each of the works from which it
was excerpted. Please answer one from each of the works that we have
discussed thus far, including The Crucible, Bartleby the Scrivener, Inherit
the Wind, and To Kill a Mockingbird. Each explication should be a well
organized response of between 150 and 500 words.

1.” The Crucible “
ABIGAIL: Now look you. All of you. We danced. And Tituba conjured Ruth
Putnam’s dead sisters. And that is all. And mark this. Let either of you breathe a
word, or the edge of a word, about the other things, and I will come to you in the
black of some terrible night and I will bring a pointy reckoning that will shudder
you. And you know I can do it; I saw Indians smash my dear parents’ heads on
the pillow next to mine, and I have seen some reddish work done at night, and I
can make you wish you had never seen the sun go down!

2.” To Kill A Mokingbird”
When he was nearly thirteen, my brother Jem got his arm badly broken at the
elbow. When it healed, and Jem’s fears of never being able to play football were
assuaged, he was seldom selfconscious about his injury. His left arm was
somewhat shorter than his right; when he stood or walked, the back of his hand
was at right angles to his body, his thumb parallel to his thigh. He couldn’t have
cared less, so long as he could pass and punt.
When enough years had gone by to enable us to look back on them, we
sometimes discussed the events leading to his accident. I maintain that the Ewells
started it all, but Jem, who was four years my senior, said it started long before
that. He said it began the summer Dill came to us, when Dill first gave us the idea
of making Boo Radley come out.

3. “Inherit the Wind”
DRUMMOND: The individual human mind. In a child’s power to master the
multiplication table there is more sanctity than in all your shouted “Amens!”
“Holy, Holies!” and “Hosannas!” An idea is a greater monument than a cathedral.
And the advance of man’s knowledge is more of a miracle than any sticks turned
to snakes, or the parting of waters! But are we now to halt the march of progress
because Mr. Brady frightens us with a fable? (Turning to the jury, reasonably)
Gentlemen, progress has never been a bargain. You’ve got to pay for it.
Sometimes I think there’s a man behind a counter who says, “All right, you can
have a telephone; but you’ll have to give up privacy, the charm of distance.
Madam, you may vote; but at a price; you lose the right to retreat behind a

powderpuff or a petticoat. Mister, you may conquer the air; but the birds will lose
their wonder, and the clouds will smell of gasoline!” (Thoughtfully, seeming to
look beyond the courtroom) Darwin moved us forward to a hilltop, where we
could look back and see the way from which we came. But for this view, this
insight, this knowledge, we must abandon our faith in the pleasant poetry of

4.” Bartleby, the Scrivener”
“Prefer not to,” echoed I, rising in high excitement, and crossing the room
with a stride. “What do you mean? Are you moonstruck? I want you to help me
compare this sheet heretake it,” and I thrust it towards him.
“I would prefer not to,” said he.
I looked at him steadfastly. His face was leanly composed; his gray eye dimly
calm. Not a wrinkle of agitation rippled him. Had there been the least uneasiness,
anger, impatience or impertinence in his manner; in other words, had there been
any thing ordinarily human about him, doubtless I should have violently
dismissed him from the premises. But as it was, I should have as soon thought of
turning my pale plasterofParis bust of Cicero out of doors. I stood gazing at him
awhile, as he went on with his own writing, and then reseated myself at my desk.
This is very strange, thought I.

5. “The Crucible “
DANFORTH: Then explain to me, Mr. Proctor, why you will not let
PROCTOR, with a cry of his whole soul: Because it is my name! Because I
cannot have another in my life! Because I lie and sign myself to lies! Because I
am not worth the dust on the feet of them that hang! How may I live without my
name? I have given you my soul; leave me my name!

6. “To kill a Mokingbird “
“Don’t you remember me, Mr. Cunningham? I’m Jean Louise Finch. You
brought us some hickory nuts one time, remember?” I began to sense the futility
one feels when unacknowledged by a chance acquaintance.
“I go to school with Walter,” I began again. “He’s your boy, ain’t he? Ain’t
he, sir?”
Mr. Cunningham was moved to a faint nod. He did know me, after all.
“He’s in my grade,” I said, “and he does right well. He’s a good boy,” I
added, “a real nice boy. We brought him home for dinner one time. Maybe he told
you about me, I beat him up one time but he was real nice about it. Tell him hey
for me, won’t you?”

7. “Bartleby, the Scrivener “
I thought all was going well, when a perturbed looking stranger visited me,
inquiring whether I was the person who had recently occupied rooms at No.
Full of forebodings, I replied that I was.
“Then sir,” said the stranger, who proved a lawyer, “you are responsible for
the man you left there. He refuses to do any copying; he refuses to do anything;
he says he prefers not to; and he refuses to quit the premises.”

“I am very sorry, sir,” said I, with assumed tranquility, but an inward tremor,
“but, really, the man you allude to is nothing to mehe is no relation or
apprentice of mine, that you should hold me responsible for him.”
“In mercy’s name, who is he?”
“I certainly cannot inform you. I know nothing about him. Formerly I
employed him as a copyist; but he has done nothing for me now for some time

“I shall settle him then,good morning, sir.”

8.” Inherit the Wind”
BRADY: Your Honor, I have no intention of making a speech. There is no
need. I am sure that everyone on the jury, everyone within the sound of this boy’s
voice, is moved by his tragic confusion. He has been taught that he wriggled up
like an animal from the filth and the muck below! (Continuing fervently, the spirit
is upon him) I say that these Biblehaters, these “Evilutionists,” are brewers of
poison. And the legislature of this sovereign state has had the wisdom to demand
that the peddlers of poisonin bottles or in booksclearly label the products
they attempt to sell! (There is applause. HOWARD gulps. BRADY points at the
boy) I tell you, if this law is not upheld, this boy will become one of a generation,
shorn of its faith by the teachings of Godless science! But if the full penalty of the
law is meted out to Bertram Cates, the faithful the whole world over, who are
watching us here, and listening to our every word, will call this courtroom
blessed! (Applause. Dramatically, BRADY moves to his chair. Condescendingly,
he waves to DRUMMOND.

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