Based on book only not on movie
Include quotes in the book and have in text citations (page number) , only use the book as the reference.
You will require to have the book as I cannot find a pdf version on the internet that has the correct page number as the book.
I am a grade 10 international student please don’t use difficult language as english is my second language.
The question asks to ‘what extent’ is violence used, can compare merricat’s violence solutions to problem to the other characters solutions to problems in the book (eg. Constance, villagers …)
Talk about other characters in the book too not just Merricat.
This essay will be graded by
1) How well you develop your own credible, informed and sustained argument in response to the question.
2) Your demonstrated understanding of the ideas and themes of the text/s.
3) Your use and analysis of direct evidence from the text/s to justify your
interpretation, including an analysis of literary features in the text/s.
interpretation, including an analysis of literary features in the text/s.
4) How effectively you utilise the conventions and styles of academic writing about literature (i.e. appropriate paragraph and essay structure, academic referencing).