Incidence and causation of increasing carcinogenic cells with higher use of nitrates and nitrites in processed foods and their consumption.

The term paper consists of a comprehensive review article about an aspect of environmental or

human toxicology, epidemiology, or human health policy of interest to you. This paper should
provide a comprehensive or concise treatise of the current state of knowledge about the topic
based on the relevant peer-reviewed literature (with appropriate citations).
You will discuss what is known, and not known, and outline areas of potential future research to
address this issue. It should be written in appropriate scientific language and ideally should be
suitable for submission to a peer-reviewed journal in the field, or to a government minister to8
address a specific environmental/toxicological issue in society.
The purpose of this paper is to broaden your knowledge of a particular arena of toxicology or
human health risk assessment of your choosing. It is also intended to provide you with more22
experience in how to research scientific issues using peer-reviewed literature, analyze and assess data and information from such sources, and subsequently present the information clearly and concisely. Access to university library databases will be necessary to do this research
Every reference used in the term paper (minimum of 10 references) must be from the peer31
reviewed literature (e.g. The Web of Science), including review articles. Non-peer reviewed32
literature such as websites, newspapers, and magazines are not acceptable and may not be used.
However, you can definitely use these sources to generate ideas for yourself and spark your34
interest, but ultimately the facts found in these sources must be corroborated and cited from the3
peer-reviewed literature to be considered valid.
• The final paper should be a typical length for review articles in these fields of study and
submitted in PDF form 
• Written in the past tense
• Written in 3rd person (no I, You, we), just declarative sentences that aren’t run-on.42
• A title page is necessary.
• The paper is to be typed, double-spaced, 12 point font Times New Roman and all lines44
should be continuously numbered (this aids in giving feedback).45
• Any preliminary version of the paper emailed to the instructor will need to be in raw46
format (i.e. Microsoft Word) NOT PDF form, so that appropriate comments can be47
added to the document.48
• Figures and tables may also be used and are encouraged if they are relevant. If these are
taken from the literature, an appropriate caption and citation to the relevant sources are50
necessary; and you must make reference to them in the text of the paper

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