Inclusive Education: Addressing the Needs of Students with Disabilities in Mainstream Schools

For this assignment, you will write at least THREE pages [~1000 words] about an educational issue—the form will be dependent on your determined role and audience [Max 1,500 words]. You might, for instance, choose to: 

  • Write as an academic — creating an article summarizing the research on an educational issue
  • Write a policymaker — describing an educational issue and making a case for implementing a certain policy in your district/city/state/country
  • Write as an administrator — making a case for changing policies within your school or school district
  • Write as an advocate/activist — presenting an argument for why things should change in a specific community
  • Write as a community leader — connecting education to other public policies, taking a stance on an educational issue
As you take on one of these roles, you will need to be explicit as to which “hat” or lens you are arguing your position. Is it through a Ed Reformer with either a public or private lens, or one with an equity lens? Considering this lens that you take on, what how would you address the “haters” or those that would oppose your position? 

Choose one of the roles above and only write in that perspective. Also, only focus on issues in the United States.


The final project will be evaluated using the following criteria:

Describing the Issue

  • Does the author clearly and succinctly define the major educational issues they are addressing in the project?
  • Does the author use course material and outside research to frame this issue

Making a Case

  • Does the author make a compelling case why this issue is important?
  • Does the author present their arguments with supporting evidence from course material and outside research?

 Writing Conventions

  • Was the writing clear and well-organized? Is the introductory paragraph a succinct overview of the issue?
  • Did the project meet the length requirements? Was the issue “the right size” for the project / did the author choose an issue they could adequately address in the scope of this project?
  • Did the author properly attribute work using APA style? Is there a bibliography of sources used in the project?

Rubric full mark criterion:
Argument and Evidence:
The quality of the analysis, reflection, and connections made exceeds expectations for the assignment.

Organization and Logic:

The paper is focused; coherently integrates multiple examples with explanations or analysis; and clearly considers multiple perspectives when appropriate. The paper reflects careful, in-depth engagement with the topic that exceeds expectations.

The writing is clear, coherent, and with no grammar, spelling, punctuation, or other errors. The writing is characterized by elements of a strong writing style.

Research cited properly, includes a variety of sources, has more than 5 sources cited. Sources go beyond those used in class.

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