Insecure Season 2 Episode 3 “Hella Open”: Cinematography, Lighting, and Mise en Scene

Please answer all the questions

Prompt: 1. Name 3 ways that Insecure counteracts more typical, mainstream representations through cinematography, lighting, mise en scene, and/or location (i.e., where and how they shot in Los Angeles?). Refer to lectures and the screening to make your case. 2. Then, discuss an example from your own media viewing that does something similar. What other shows/games/movies have you seen that use cinematic form to create alternative representations of a historically misrepresented place or community? Break down a scene or image from this example to explain and provide an image or clip. 

Lecture Notes:

Lighting for an upspoken norm:

  • Mise en Scene in relation to lighting

  • Shirey Card multi races

Insecure and cinematography

  • Cinematography elements such as framing/ depth of field/ camera movement

  • Break down of camera distance -> 135mm, 85mm, 50mm, 35mm, 24mm, 14mm (move from extreme long shot to an extreme close up)

  • Extreme long shot/ long shot/ medium long shot/ medium shot/ medium close up/ close up/ extreme close up is based on the distance of the camera from the human figure

  • Depth of field -> narrow depth of field  (everything is going to be blurry except for a small part of the frame) /deep focus (everything is in focus no matter how far it is from the camera)

  • Rack focus -> change what in focus in the frame within the same shot

  • Camera movement 

    • Camera Pan (from left to right) and tilt (up and down)

  • How Mise en Scene can be used for visual impact/ jokes

  • How Mise en Scene and cinematography can work together

  • Lighting for Insecure: how to approach skin tones

    • Make sure that the makeup artist uses a reflective base on the skin

    • Give skin something to reflect. It’s not the amount or intensity of the light source, it’s the surface area of the light

    • Use a polarizer, which is a filter that goes in front of the lens. Work well when reflective on a skin tone because it can shape the light in an effective way.

    • There’s not one shade that lights all types of dark skin.

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