Interactive Read-Alouds—An Avenue for Enhancing Children’s Language for Thinking and Understanding: A Review of Recent Research

Guidelines – Reading Response for EDC 4000

You will write various reading responses this semester. Each response will give you an opportunity to think more deeply about your reading. A written response is basically an organized and thoughtful reaction to what you read. 
Write a brief but thorough summary of the main points of the reading.
List key terms or concepts
Make a list of key terms or concepts in this reading. Listing those key terms or concepts that stand out to you in the reading(s) will allow you to return to them when you may need to reference this response in a future assignment/course. Highlight and define them so you will have a clear way to locate them when you return to this response and remind yourself of why they were important.
Engage with the ideas from the reading.  
Your response can include:
-something that you considered particularly meaningful
-any questions that were prompted by the information, with explanation
-a connection to your life or school experience
-a connection to our class discussions
-a connection to another reading in this or another course
-an explanation of how your thinking changed as a result of the reading
-a plan for how you might use an idea in this reading in your life
– a plan for how you might use an idea in this reading in your future classroom
– writing that is prompted by what you read 
Format: You will write 1-2 pages, typed, double-spaced, 12 pt. font, 1 inch margins.
Heading on the upper left of the first page:
EDC 4000 
L. Esposito
Reading Response #____
Title of the article or chapter 
**All submitted work should reflect professionalism of a future teacher. Please remember to re-read and spell-check your work**
*Please Note: Each Reading Response (RR) will be scored out of 2.5points [1pt thoroughness of summary, .5pt for key terms/concepts, and 1pt quality of response]Guidelines – Reading Response for EDC 4000
You will write various reading responses this semester. Each response will give you an opportunity to think more deeply about your reading. A written response is basically an organized and thoughtful reaction to what you read. 
Write a brief but thorough summary of the main points of the reading.
List key terms or concepts
Make a list of key terms or concepts in this reading. Listing those key terms or concepts that stand out to you in the reading(s) will allow you to return to them when you may need to reference this response in a future assignment/course. Highlight and define them so you will have a clear way to locate them when you return to this response and remind yourself of why they were important.
Engage with the ideas from the reading.  
Your response can include:
-something that you considered particularly meaningful
-any questions that were prompted by the information, with explanation
-a connection to your life or school experience
-a connection to our class discussions
-a connection to another reading in this or another course
-an explanation of how your thinking changed as a result of the reading
-a plan for how you might use an idea in this reading in your life
– a plan for how you might use an idea in this reading in your future classroom
– writing that is prompted by what you read 
Format: You will write 1-2 pages, typed, double-spaced, 12 pt. font, 1 inch margins.
Heading on the upper left of the first page:
EDC 4000 
L. Esposito
Reading Response #____
Title of the article or chapter 
**All submitted work should reflect professionalism of a future teacher. Please remember to re-read and spell-check your work**
*Please Note: Each Reading Response (RR) will be scored out of 2.5points [1pt thoroughness of summary, .5pt for key terms/concepts, and 1pt quality of response]  (this is the article you have to read)

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